Soldout Seats
Bringing new customers to Soldout Seats with a web design
Soldout Seats is a growing community of ticket brokers that fosters learning and friendly competition to take your business to the next level.

As the web designer for Soldout Seats, my main goal was to create a website that brought us new customers. I did this by initially giving a brief overview of the features and why users should use our service. I followed that with our partnerships, showcasing why our platform is favorite by over a hundred subscribers.
Website Designer

Nov 2023 - Current
Informs potential users about the features that are included after joining the server. Some of these include getting exclusive information about upcoming events, 24/7 support, access to proxies and browsers who are leading their field, and event monitoring.
Soldout Seats has partnerships with leading proxies and browsers, giving users the best chance at securing tickets. Our partnership with Lysted also streamlines the brokering process.
Join Now
Soldout Seats is currently 100% free! Join us today to instantly gain access to our entire server, including Daily Event Drops, Expert Pricing Analysis, Presale Codes, and our Starter Guides.
Success Metrics
New Users

How many new users are we getting after uploading the website?

Retention Rate

How many users will continue using the platform?


How much less do users have to email and call us asking questions?
User Flow
After exploring the current website, I explored different ways that I could make the users flow easier throughout the site.
What I learned
01 Communicating with other teams
When designing the website there was a lot of discussions with the server advisors, especially when it came to explaining the advice they give in the servers. While it's important for new users to understand the value of information they would have access too, the advisors did not want to give away any specifics, as they felt it would be unfair to those who subscribe to gain the same advice. This was valuable to experience and better prepared me for future collaboration with different teams.
Post Design Outcome
  • Increased users by 35%
  • 2 new partnerships deals
  • 10% new member conversion rate